Richard Wilsons – Fish Rise

Once again many thanks to Richard Wilson and his ever humerous observations and comments regarding the piscatorial world. Fish v Chicken Where are you in the pecking order? It’s no secret that our piscatorial triumphs sound so much better in the telling if the heroic angler out-wits a wily foe. So we embellish our trout with fishy superpowers like intelligence and emotional guile. Even when we lose them, we’re never beaten by a run-of-the-mill fish: It was ‘big, arrogant and knew exactly what it was doing!’ I suspect it’s mostly male vanity that needs to prove its mettle in combat ...

A day on Bluefin Off Ilfracombe – With South Molton Angling Club

Ilfracombe harbour once again ready to depart for a day aboard John Barbeary’s boat ‘Blue Fin’ with members of South Molton and District Angling Club. It doesn’t really feel like a July morning with a cool North East breeze blowing into the harbour. The predominantly grey sky seemingly typical of the summer of 2024 so far. The sea is not too rough however and the forecast gives the wind easing throughout the day and with good fishing enjoyed on another Ilfracombe Boat last week I am optimistic for the day ahead. We all climb from the harbour steps and greet ...


Anglers Eldorado’s Carp and Catfish Lake 2 is renowned for its catfish that have been stocked to over 90lb.  It was these powerful and challenging fish that we were targeting on what has become an annual pilgrimage for our group.          Angling is a wonderful pastime for creating long lasting friendships with bonds formed that can often last a lifetime. I have fished with my good friend Bruce Elston on numerous occasions during recent seasons both of us sharing a lifelong obsession with angling.          Bruce invited me to join the catfish hunters at Anglers Paradise a couple of years ...

Reed – Providing Vital Protection from the elements for Twenty Five Years

Being an all-round angler and fishing throughout the year coping with what the elements throw at me is an important part of my fishing preparation. An adage that is often thrown around is that there is no such thing as bad weather just the wrong clothing. Well there is perhaps some truth in that though generally I prefer a warm sunny day to a cold wet one! I enjoy my fishing excursions throughout the year and keeping warm and dry undoubtedly makes the experience both more enjoyable and productive. You will not fish well if you are cold wet and ...

Round 2 of the SWLT / FLUFF CHUCKERS Brown Trout Masters at Fernworthy lake on Dartmoor.

FULL REPORT FROM RODNEY WEVILL of THE Fluff Chuckers A good turn out with anglers from all around the South West. With the weather not really making its mind up whether it’s summer or early spring, sunshine, overcast and very windy. Fishing has been a little harder on Fernworthy in 2024 compared to 2023 when a lot of really nice fish were being caught. But we had some real talent on the banks today so even though it could be hard going there was always going to be some great results. And results we got, everyone caught fish with Keith ...