Bideford and District Angling Club Junior Competition No. 3

Bideford and District Angling Club
Junior Competition No. 3
1st. Jenson Kliff. 7 kilo 005 drms
2nd Lewis Hathaway 3:800
3rd Dasha 2:590
4th Billy Butler. 2:010
5th Ethan Broom 1:740
6th Alex Marcolini. 1:510
7th Rudy James. 1:390
8th Albi Clements. 1:325
9th Jackson Dyer 1:055
10th Haakon Wilson 1:005
11th Blake Hosegood :815
12th Willow Davies :575
13th Fletcher Hawkins :410
Considering the inclement weather, our youngsters have done exceptionally well to battle though the three hours of almost constant rain
Our winner on the day, Jenson has weighed a lovely net of carp,tench and skimmer bream , caught on a method feeder on maggot hookbait off peg 26 .
Lewis has finished second using similar tactics on peg 24 , his friend, Dasha , fishing her first competition, has done fantastically well to end in third place using maggot on a whip on peg 23.
Once again, these events would not be possible without lots of help, therefore I must thank those committee members, Steve, Richard, Keith and Chris and also the local businesses who have generously support us with prizes.

Fly Fishing for Duke of Edinburgh’s Award

Back in March 4 Cadets from Great Torrington Detachment, Devon Army Cadet Force and 1 pupil from Marland Secondary School, Barnstaple took on the challenge to learn Fly Fishing for the Skills section of their Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.

Sgt Oscar Beer, L/Cpl George Batten, L/Cpl Koby Sheppard, Cdt Ted Symons and Miles Holland from Marland School.

During the course they learnt all the elements needed to become confident still water anglers such as types of lines, leaders, tippets, flies, role cast, false cast & retrieve.

The course also consisted of a day’s Fly Tying; this enabled the lads to tie a selection of flies for the 2 lake days of the course.

Special thanks to Paul Cozens at Simpson’s Valley Trout and Course fishery for his continued support on our first lake day 22/06/24, although we didn’t catch any trout the lads had a great day, it also proved how difficult trout can be some times (all good practice) but one of the lads did manage to catch and land a 7lb Pike on a small nymph pattern.

Special thanks also to Tom and Nigel at Bulldog Fisheries for their support on our second lake day 13/07/24 and providing a great end to the course.

Unfortunately, 2 of the lads couldn’t make the day due to other commitments but the 3 that attended had another great day and all caught hard fighting fish that were in superb condition, Nigel kindly rounded of the day for us with a detailed tour around the stock ponds giving the lads an insight into how a trout fishery is run.

2 of the lads were so impressed they said they will be returning with their parent for another session.

Special thanks also to Colonel Ashley Fulford for supporting me and providing first aid cover.

Last year I put an ask on Facebook to anyone that had fly tying materials or equipment that was surplus to requirements, the response was incredibly and although I thanked everyone personally at the time I just wanted to say thank you on here for your support, the materials, rods and reels have all been put to good use and helps use teach these  youngsters at no cost.

Thanks to Geoff Mitchell, Claire Gilbert, Molly Vince and another gentleman that lives at Century Corner, sorry couldn’t remember your name, thank you all so much for you support.

All in all, a very successful coarse, thanks to everyone involved.

Tight Lines Lt Trevor Cook

Bideford and District Angling Club Junior competition No. 1

Bideford and District Angling Club
Junior competition No. 1
Tarka Swims 11 fished
1st Thea Overend 3:670 kilo
2nd Ethan Broom 3:190
3rd Ted Blight 2:720
4th George Batten 2:400
5th Albi Clements 2:290
6th Amelia Bell 1:895
7th Lewis Hathaway 1:745
8th Billy Butler 1:700
9th Freya Lewis 1:265
10th Rex Lewis :620
11th Leo Davies :410
Our junior members have enjoyed a pleasant afternoon on George’s lake. Weather was warm and dry with a brisk North Westerly breeze.
The fish proved tricky, but every youngster caught in the end . Our winner on the day, in her first match was our youngest competitor Thea , with a little help from Uncle Craig , they fished peg 25 on the pole.
Second placed Ethan, also on his first competition, fished punched bread with a 3metre whip on peg 20.
Ted took third place fishing on peg 2 .
Our sincere thanks go out to the very generous support we have had from Summerlands Tackle , Quay Sports , Baitech, Martin Cocks, Tom Downing , Guru Tackle.

Passionate Young Angler seeks Sponsorship to chase his dream

Max is a very passionate fisherman and long time member of Dulverton Anglers Association.  He is currently in the England Youth Fly Fishing Team and has already 2 caps to his name so this will be his 3rd International match this year.

He is also the Loch Style National Youth Championship winner, (catching 11 and 2nd place caught 4)
Max spends most of his time either fly fishing or carp fishing
Max turns 16 this year and has been offered a place at Sparsholt College, in Hampshire to study Fishery Management Level 3.  Although the course is funded, he will need to board due to the distance.  Therefore he is looking for sponsorship in order he can fulfil his passion (dream).

If you can help young Max please contact Lance Nicholsons at Dulverton


            In 2012 over a decade ago Combe Martin Sea Angling Club had an idea to hold a fun fishing event at Ilfracombe Pier in conjunction with a Marine festival entitled Sea Ilfracombe.

The idea was to bring various angling interests together with the aim of promoting angling to young people and providing an opportunity for some social interaction. On this first event I invited Ben Field from the Art of Fishing, Mat Mander and Jeremy Boyd from the newly formed Devon And Severn Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority and Nick Payne Devon Development Officer for the Angling Trust.


(Above) Guests at the 2012 Fun Fish
(Above) Fun Fishers in 2012

            This event on a murky day blighted by drizzle ran from 1.00pm until 5.00pm. A dozen or so took part in the competitive aspect of the event whilst many more came along to chat and mingle with our guests.

            A good number of fish were caught some of which were donated to the Ilfracombe Aquarium who supported the event with prizes and shared knowledge regarding the fish caught.

            Over a decade since the first event, I would like to extend heartfelt thanks to all who have supported the event since its conception.

            This year’s Fun Fish saw us once again welcome Mat Mander from the D & S IFCA, along with Dean Asplin from the Angling Trust and Jo Eames from the RNLI. The format of the competitive aspect has been tweaked slightly over the years but the general concept of a family fun day of interaction remains.

2023 – Nick Phillips CMSAC Secretary, Mat Mander D & S IFCA, Jo Eames RNLI, Dean Asplin Angling Trust and Wayne Thomas CMSAC Chairman.

            Each year on the run up to the event I have my concerns for there are always things that can go wrong that are too many to mention here and if we undertook an in-depth risk assessment we would undoubtedly have to rule out any fun! That said involving the Coastguard and RNLI over the years has provided a valuable opportunity to share common sense safety advice to all who enjoy being at the water’s edge.

            Two of the main factors impacting upon the event are tides that dictate the times and of course the weather that is totally unpredictable. This year’s event was set to run from 2.00pm until 4.00pm a couple of hours shorter than the inaugural event back in 2012. One lesson we have learned is that young angler’s attention will start to wander if sport is slow and its also exhausting running around with a clip board keeping a tally of catches for the species competition.

            Luck was certainly with us on Sunday September 3rd 2023 for we were blessed with a light breeze, warm sunshine and a blue sky reflecting upon a calm sea. We met up with our guests in the Aquarium Café an hour before the event to greet and run over the days format.

For Dean Asplin of the Angling Trust and Jo Eames of the RNLI this was their first CMSAC Fun Fish. I explained that the format was rather loose and that whilst there is a competitive element its really just about having a fun day. Rules are minimal and we have no idea how many will turn up on the day.

            This year’s event was generously supported by Danny Watson of High Street Tackle who supplied a splendid array of tackle prizes to add to the club’s funded prizes and additional support came from the Angling Trust.

            Arriving at the pier we regretted the oversight in not having our club papering table to work from. I had assumed Nick would bring his, Nick had assumed I would bring mine and Dean Asplin from the Angling Trust said he would have brought his if he had known. There is surely a lesson to be learnt there. I vaguely remember something on a training course referring to an Ass of U and Me!

            We strolled onto the pier with an array of spare rods leaflets and boxes of prizes. A good number of anglers were already set up some of them fishing and others getting ready for the fun fish to commence. Dean Asplin joined with me in grabbing details of the competitors and I invited those who just happened to be there fishing to join in the fun. After twenty minutes or so we were ready for cast off with over twenty competitors ranging from three years old to a more senior stature.

            In truth it was a bit chaotic but it wasn’t long before a variety of fish started to be swung to hand. I dashed around with the clip board keeping a tally and grabbing a few images. Nick Phillips the Clubs long suffering secretary assisted keenly measuring fish when requested and offering advice and tutoring when possible. Jo Eames from the RNLI chatted keenly with anglers and members of the public displaying a vast knowledge of safety at sea and the history of the RNLI. Mat Mander was at hand to assist throughout and take any questions relating the sterling work undertaken by the Devon and Severn IFCA to help manage and police inshore waters for the benefit of stakeholders and the complex marine ecosystem.

            There were twelve species of fish registered during the event including, mackerel, pollock, ballan wrasse, corkwing wrasse, smelt, blenny’s, shanny’s, rock gobies, garfish, pouting, whiting and even a small tope.

            The results are as follows : –

Junior Winner of top prize –  Ben Clark – 17 points

Overall winner – Anna Stavrakopoulos – 27 points

Heaviest Fish – Paul Chamberlain – tope 11oz

Longest Fish – Paul Maxfield – garfish 56cm


(Above) Solly Welch and his grandad Dave Welch share the fun of fishing.

(Above) Dean Asplin of the Angling Trust –

It is true to say that everyone who took part in this year’s event was a winner. It was perhaps one of the best Fun Fishes we have held over the years though there have been some very special memories made and I hope just a few new anglers have been set on a journey of fun and adventure.



Its Fun Fish Time at Ilfracombe – Sunday September 3rd 2023

COMBE MARTIN SAC FUN FISH – The weather is looking perfect for the Fun Fish on Ilfracmbe Pier with sunshine and light winds forecast . We have guests on the day including Mat Mander Chief Officer of  Devon  & Severn Inshore Fisheries & Conservation Authority,  Dean Asplin from the Angling Trust and representatives from the Coastguard and RNLI who focus on water safety.

Bring along a rod and enter the fun fishing competition or just come along for a chat with club members and our guests. Its only two hours and once a year. There is also lots to explore around Ilfracombe’s Sea Ilfracombe Festival.

The event is generously supported by High Street Tackle Ilfracombe with an array of superb prizes for the competitors.

Ilfracombe Aquarium.

Below an array of top quality prizes from HIgh Street Tackle.

Combe Martin SAC Fun Fish 2023

Combe Martin SACs annual Fun Fishing Event coincides with the Sea Ifracombe Festival. This years special guests include Mat Mander from the D & S IFCA, Dean Asplin from the Angling Trust and hopefully members of the Local Coastguard and RNLI. There will be a friendly competition as in past years and the opportunity to talk with local anglers and our special guests.

The club look forward to meeting up with local anglers as participants or just for a chat on the day.

The event is free to enter. All junior anglers must be accompanied by an adult.

Bideford and District Angling Club Junior Competition No. 4

Bideford and District Angling Club
Junior Competition No. 4
Tarka Swims
1st Brodie Allen 23lb 6oz
2nd Findley Huggins 17lb 10oz
3rd Jenson Kiff 13lb 8oz
4th Imogen Babb 13lb 1oz
5th Ted Blight 11lb 12oz
6th Bailly Brambley 9lb 10oz
7th Maci Brambley 8lb 4oz
8th Willow Davies. 4lb 15oz
9th Billy Butler 4lb 14oz
10th. Leo Davies 3lb 3oz
11th Albi Clements 2lb 9oz
12th Lewis Hathaway 2lb 8oz
13th Brodie Daniel 2lb 4oz
14th Amelia Bell 1lb 10oz
15th Metida Voice 13oz
16th Tash Hawkins 9oz
17th Fletcher Hawkins 8oz
Despite the fierce winds our junior members turned out in force for the penultimate competition of the junior calendar, over half the pegs on George’s lake were used.!
Poles and rods were gripped tightly as storm “Antoni” did it’s best to spoil the day.
Brodie, on peg 15 , put a cracking net of mainly carp on the scales to win the day. Paste on the pole his tactics.
Second spot went to Findley on peg 8 , his chosen tactic to combat the high winds was a method feeder.
Jenson fished similarly on peg 11 for a well earned third spot.
Despite some very challenging conditions the youngsters all managed to weigh in, well done all.
Martin Cox Bait tech for their generosity.
Also our helpers on the day.