Prospects for the weekend

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The weather is set fair for whatever fish you seek. Bideford Angling Festival is underway and there should be a few bass, huss and smoothound off the coast and a few mullet from the estuary.

Boat anglers should be able to get out in search of tope and maybe even a shark. The water clarity should be improving after the storm of last week and  the bigger tides every chance of a few late mackerel and bass on lures.


Carp anglers could well tempt a few fish off the surface during the heat of the day. The cool of the night will be best chance on bottom baits with carp anglers set up cozy in their state of the art all comforts of home bivvys.


For those with a sense of adventure eels could be well worth targetting with water temperatures still holding up well.

The game angler could target sea trout after dark on the Taw or Torridge with good numbers in both rivers. A surface lure can bring heart stopping moments as they erupt from the water in the still of the night.
