Close to a dozen Combe Martin SAC members arrived at Ilfracombe Pier to fish in the club’s latest pop-up fun and species fishing event. They were greeted by a cool and uninviting North East breeze that surprisingly failed to dent the enthusiastic vibe of those taking part.

Ilfracombe Aquarium had expressed an interest in species acquisition and had given me a short list of desirables for their tanks. After the first half an hour things were going slowly and when Dan from the aquarium appeared with a bucket I was disappointed that we had nothing to offer other than a small ballan wrasse that they have an abundance of anyway.

As the tide dropped and the wind eased a few fish started to show with plenty of small wrasse. This was very much an LRF type event though there were no purists using lures only.

Several members embarked upon exploring the rockpools around the pier whilst Ross Stanway headed for a rocky shoreline and reports came back of a large ballan wrasse he had hooked but lost on lure fishing tactics. Daniel Welch added a rare montagus blenny to his species tally that puts him equal second  to Ross Stanway on the leader board for the year so far with 23 species. Toby Basset is top with 27 species.

Nick joined me for a chat on the top of the old pier and was rather perplexed when he realised I was actually fishing in the tiny rock pool he was standing beside. I had already extracted a tiny blenny from the pool and was hoping for one of these rare montagus but with a size 14 hook I was probably fishing far too heavy as size 20 hooks are more appropriate.

The cool breeze eased off and the sun broke through from time to time. As low water approached the water getting got increasingly murky and fish became harder to find. I caught two small pollock on ragworm which were welcomed by the aquarium.

The monthly raffle was drawn out and  number 18 young Lenny Lake was the winner, adding to his prize for the longest fish caught during April. The competition for May is once again the best picture. many thanks to High Street Tackle for their kind sponsorship.

The next pop up fish will be on Thursday evening in June as we have decided to alternate between Sunday mornings and Thursday evenings.