Bideford & District Angling Club Midweek Series Heat 2

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Hard to believe its got to that time of year already. So much so that I forgot to report on heat 1.

1st Nathan Underwood 34 lb 9oz
2nd David Bailey 24lb
3rd Mike Snudden 23 lb 10oz
4th Craig Crash Lamey 20lb 11oz
14 members fished.
A rather damp evening proved tough going for some, Nathan has bounced back to form with a convincing victory from peg 13 , paste fished into the weed bed was his chosen tactic.
David has made a successful return with a lovely net of mainly silver fish on maggot from peg 8 for 2nd spot.
Mike has caught on worms on the pole on peg 5 for 3rd place.