Lee Galley and his son Nick Galley fished on Beatties lake for 48 hours they had 10 fish out using there own home made boilies on Gardener stiff rigs they had up to 26lb.

Lee Waring who fished Stafford Moorfor the first time enjoying a successful session on beatties then on lodge lake using cc moore live system boilie’s he had a few fish out including this chunky mirror pictured below .
Danny Hayman landed a fine 29lb mirror from Beatties Lake on the dam wall main line cell boilie’s . (Below)
Mike Faulkner with one of his many catches from lodge lake using sticky baits Manilla boilies this one is a 22lb 2oz. (Above)
Alexander McDonald had 8 fish out of Beatties in 24 hours using DNA Baits up to 21lb 7oz. (Above)