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Glenn & son banked 47 carp out from Silver Birch lodge on Beatties lake 26 in the 20’s and 2 in the 30’s.

All caught on sticky baits krill & mainline cell boilies over house pellets

Pete & Hannah  on Lodge lake on the double swim peg 1 for 48hrs Hannah managed to get a PB of 33lb 4oz & Pete had a few one which was 30lb 1oz all caught on Royal Marine Wafters and double cream seed boilies by munch baits.


Massive congratulations to Riley John who caught a huge new personal best 62lb 5oz Catfish from Nirvana’s Specimen Cat Lake!!
Riley’s Dad shared –
“Riley has been coming to anglers paradise for 5 years now, normally in August with his family but this year was treated with his dad and uncles. We arrived Friday to fish the specimen catfish lake.
It was a quiet night for Riley with his dad having a 2 during the night, and Riley woke up feeling disheartened not to have had a beep.
Then all of a sudden after breakfast, his rod beeped into action & after a long hard battle & a little help from his dad, he landed a monster!! Hopefully beating his 33lb from last year….it weighed 62lb 5oz!! A fish that was as long as himself & an attitude to match what a great start to the week!!”
Wow! Well done Riley, a fish that many adult Anglers still dream of catching and you have at such a young age!!


Anglers Paradise
Massive congratulations to 5C’s member Joe Dietrich who fished Nirvana’s day ticket Xanadu Lake for a quick 24 hour session and only goes and catches the biggest Common of the Lake at 30lbs 2oz!!


Stafford Moor Carp Catches

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Andrew Levett banked  8 carp up to 32lb 5oz from the inlet swim in a 48 hour session on Beatties lake this is Andy’s new PB.
Andy was using Krill pellets , single krill wafters over a handful of krill boiles
(Below) Darren Palmer  had 8 fish out up to 32lb 3oz from lodge lake

Lower Tamar carp and bream

Aaron Bunning had a trip to remember on Lower Tamar this week. After setting up in Swampy’s and catching one fish, he decided to move swims in the morning to Hilton’s. Putting a good spread of Mirage baits ‘Reservoir Specials’ he fished a matching wafter as a hook bait. He ended the session with four fish including this cracking 33lb 6oz common.

( below) Bruce Elston set out to catch a double figure bream on his  third session his quest for a double figure bream came good with specimens of  11lb 6oz and 10lb 11oz.

Stafford Moor Carp Catches

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(Below)Dennis Keith  fished from Silver birch lodge last week banking several carp the  biggest fish was 30lb 15oz. He was fishing with Hinders 15mm tutti fruity boilies and mixed sized pellets.

(Below) Scott Allan  had 13 fish out from lodge lake up to 35lb , 9 of Scott’s catches were between 20-27lb all caught in Mainline cell boilies.

(Below)Nick Dabney  fished up on lodge lake and caught his new pb of 35lb 2oz