Stafford Moor – Carp action

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Stafford Moor regular Steve Pinn ( The BIvvy Tramp) sent me this awesome image of a mid double from Lodge Lake.

Above a couple more doubles for Steve Pinn.

Andy David Honey and friend Rob  fished on the beach swim on Beattie’s and landed many carp out up to 29lb (Robs new pb) using C C Moore live system boilie.

(Below)John and Adam Atkins caught several carp from the back bays in Beattie’s Lake using Sticky Baits Krill boilies.

There is a winter ticket now available to buy for Stafford Moors specimen lakes Beattie’s and Lodge lakes. The ticket runs from 4th December until 2nd March (am Monday- am Friday). The ticket is £150 If you are interested in a ticket you can register with Jo now in which you then have 4 weeks to pay for your ticket. Call Jo in the shop on 01805804360