World Wide Web brings together a vast angling community

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Whilst the internet and social media gets a lot of negative publicity there are many positive sides to its growth. Angling is a worldwide sport and its participants across the world have a huge amount in common. It is of coarse more than just anglers that have a lot in common for fish and the habitats in which they dwell also have many parallels. The internet has bridged many gaps and has opened up a vast amount of knowledge to be shared among anglers from different continents.

I received an email from David Straus who is the main editor at David had read my feature on the West Country Fly Fishing Course

David asked me if he could share his latest feature on my website and having had a look I noted how relevant the tactics described are to those discussed at Eggesford. So if you have five minutes have browse at the tactics used to tempted trout across the pond and around the world.

Pete Tyjas talks trout tactics at the recent Fly Fishing Coarse at the Fox and Hounds Eggesford.