(Below) Julian Chidgey got in on the action too and caught a stunning 19lb Linear and mid double Grass Carp from the Main Lake and two 15lb Mirrors from the Octopussy. Julian used his favourite helicopter set up with short pop up rigs and Tor baits Squido.
(Below) Simon Winters tried to keep this catch quiet but his friend shared his catch for him! Si caught a personal best 42lb Mirror from Nirvana’s Kracking Carp Lake – we believe it’s the Parrot.
(Below) A COUPLE WIN♥ – The standard of fish of the week entries was so high that we had a draw, and what made it more special is that it was a tie between Ben Taylor AND his girlfriend Bex Nelson with 2 amazing catches! Bex caught this stunning 20lb 4oz fully scaled Mirror from the Main Carp Lake using Urban Baits Nutcracker and Ben caught the most beautiful personal best 8lb+ Koi Carp from the Koi Lake off the top on bread – amazing pictures too!
(Below)Ryan Owen had a fantastic week of fish, catching a 24lb Common, 20lb 8oz and 19lb 13oz fully scaled Mirrors from the Main Carp Lake, a 20lb Mirror from Nirvana’s day ticket Fat Boys Lake and a 20lb 2oz Fully scaled Mirror from the Specimen Carp Lake. Ryan was sing responsive baits, the code boilies on 8inch rigs fished snowman style on a white citrus pop-up.
(Below)Thomas Gibson caught a lovely looking 22lb 12oz Mirror from the Main Carp Lake at Anglers Paradise which is a new personal best for him using a white pop up!
(Below) Jacob Judges, 10, from Rochester, Kent, truly had a great week with us catching not 1 but 2 personal bests!! Jacob caught a PB 24lb Common from Nirvana’s Day Ticket Xanadu Lake AND a PB 18lb 11oz Grass Carp from the Main Carp Lake, his Dad was very proud!!