Blakewell Fishery’s Christmas Competition is always a highlight of the local game fishing calendar and this year competitors enjoyed some great sport beneath the winter sunshine. The trout seized anglers fly’s from the start of the event with rods bent all around the lake during the first hour. The twenty eight anglers landed a total of 168 trout; twenty eight six fish limit bags!
Four double figure trout were landed the best to the rod of Peter Fairclough weighed a touch over 13lb.
Peter Fairclough – 13lb Rainbow Trout
Phill Colwill landed an 11lb 2oz rainbow trout, Peter Furze a rainbow of 11lb 1oz and James Thomas a rainbow of 10lb 9oz.
James Thomas – Rainbow Trout 10lb 9oz
The winning bag of the day was taken by Pete Furze and totalled 28lb 4oz, runner up was Phil Colwill 25lb 14oz, third Peter Fairclough 24lb 5oz and forth James Thomas 23lb 6oz.
Double figure trout for Phil Colwill, James Thomas and Peter furze

Several brown trout were also brought to the scales the best a fish of 3lb 14oz to the rod of Brian Howarth.
A pleasing brown that seized my damsel fly nymph.
The competition was punctuated by a delicious stew cooked by the Blakewell team and the packed tea room was filled with chatter as friends old and new exchanged tales and experiences.
Mulled wine, stew and minced pies!
Reflections in the lake
Moorhens are just one of many birds at Blakewell
Richard and John Nickel were pleased to have Simon Kidd sales and marketing manager at Snowbee, fishing the competition and donating some great tackle prizes for the end of day draw.
Simon Kidd of Snowbee
The path to the lake
There are fish everywhere at Blakewell