Richard Wilsons – Fish Rise

Once again many thanks to Richard Wilson and his ever humerous observations and comments regarding the piscatorial world.


Fish v Chicken

Where are you in the pecking order?

It’s no secret that our piscatorial triumphs sound so much better in the telling if the heroic angler out-wits a wily foe. So we embellish our trout with fishy superpowers like intelligence and emotional guile. Even when we lose them, we’re never beaten by a run-of-the-mill fish: It was ‘big, arrogant and knew exactly what it was doing!

I suspect it’s mostly male vanity that needs to prove its mettle in combat with a 12” fish, although with time most of us learn there isn’t a trout physically mighty enough for victory to transform us into warrior princes or princesses. So we also need clever fish to make us look good. Size isn’t everything. Is it?

And yet. Type “Think Like a Trout” into your search engine and admire the flood of results. They all agree: To catch a trout, we must first know its thoughts and so anticipate its deeds. In the telling of this eternal and epic struggle, we humans are always one step behind the fish. Trout, we are told, can outwit us.

This warning is intended to open our wallets because, back in the human world, Trout-Thinking sells. You can buy the books, subscribe to the podcasts and clickn’gift your data. It’s a thriving market that gets bigger every year. Enthusiasts dream of fluency, others monetise it and a proud few say they learnt it from a parent.

This fish-think market is distinctly weird because, at some elemental level, all these anxious, charge-card wielding anglers are worried about being out-thought by a fish. Which, I hope you agree, is a very low bar.

So what might these devious fish be capable of? The irrepressible jazz maestro and fisherman George Melly set that bar high by extending a thinking trout’s repertoire into personal harassment. He attributed “a malicious sense of humour” to a large trout that he’d lost several times over a season, effectively granting it brains, cultural sophistication and serial bitchery. It’s fair to say that a fish armed with a malicious sense of humour would have met its match in George, who had a razor-sharp wit of his own.  There’s also a very old adage that advises us never to let the facts get in the way of a good story. Perhaps some seriously-minded trout-thinkers have felt persecuted by a fish, but I’m sure George wasn’t one of them.

Writer John Gierach has also made an astute observation: “The things fishermen know about trout aren’t facts but articles of faith”. I think he’s onto something.

Which, I suggest, is why Trout-Thinking is only ever found in people. Never trout.

There are many good reasons why this is a skill too far for fish. Top of the list is that trout lack the sophisticated Cerebral Cortex we use for sentient thought. So although they’re not brain-dead, they’re brain-lite. They can learn from experience (hook / bad), but no trout has ever produced anything as clever as a conscious idea, let alone one intended to outwit us.

It gets worse. Fish brains are about 7% the mass of similarly sized birds (which do have a cerebral cortex). Chicken-Thinking is, by comparison with trout, classy and sophisticated. This is all rather awkward for the trout-thinkers: If they’re struggling with a fish, they’re going to be humiliated by a chicken.

Thanks to neuroscience we know trout are hard-wired to feed reflexively, just as they do most things reflexively. So we are told they are primarily triggered to take a fly by its shape, size and position/movement in the water. They don’t think about it, they just get on with it.

Then there is the fierce competition from other fish.  Survival dictates that trout eat first and ask questions later (for the trout-thinkers, that’s a metaphor). Perhaps they have a bit more reaction time in still-waters than rivers, but in both settings this urge to get there first works in our favour.  We’ve all seen a fish surge a couple of meters to snatch a fly.

So if the trout are feeding freely and we’re not catching any, it’s not because they’re being capricious. Clearly, something else is going on.

This something is most likely us, the human with a rod in its hand. That and Murphy’s Law (if a thing can go wrong, it will).

Happily, we have our own super-power: We can Think Like A Human. So, we can read the river and the weather. We can choose a fly to resemble those on the water – or not, or even something stand-out different. We can consider colour, smell and sound. Or sunlight, shade, water temperature and more, all of which may set off different hard-wired feeding patterns. As can a fish’s lateral line.

Next comes by far the most important part: We must apply all our skill, knowledge and experience to put the fly in the right place on or in the water.  Once there the way it moves can also seduce or repel fish.  It’s not easy, perfection is unattainable and there will always be fish we can’t catch. And when we fail it’s a very lame excuse to blame a scheming trout.

We humans have opposing thumbs for casting and a huge brain-powered edge over trout. Dumbing down and projecting Trout-Think onto a fish won’t impress it, although it’s pretty good at hooking humans.

So perhaps we could stop pretending that trout see themselves as fey schemers intent on frustrating our noble designs. Heck, they don’t even know they’re fish.

The bottom line is that our ancestors emerged onto land about 400 million years ago and fish have a lot of catching up to do. And so do some people.

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South West Lakes Trust Trout Fisheries Report

South West Lakes Trust Trout Fisheries Report


July 2024

The weather has been warm and humid, and, in spite of some rain, the water levels have now started to drop; water temperatures have remained cool enough generally for fish to keep active. There has been plenty of insect activity and the fish have continued to feed keenly, both on the surface and below.


Kennick – Rods averaged around 1.5 fish per angler, with fish well spread out around the fishery; bank anglers enjoyed slightly more success than the boats, with Clampitts Bay, The Narrows and Poplar Bay fishing particularly well. Floating lines with a long leader with a variety of retrieval methods proved the most successful, with Claret Hoppers, Sedge patterns and Beetles catching surface feeding fish, and either nymph patterns (Damsel, Hares Ear, Diawl Bach and Buzzers) or lures (Viva, Cats Whisker, Tadpoles and Muddlers) catching the deeper feeders.


Siblyback – Here anglers are enjoying some quality sport, averaging 4.3 fish per visit. Stocky Bay, Two Meadows, Crylla and the West Bank are producing the most consistent fishing and best results, using either floating or intermediate lines. Fish have generally tended to be just under the surface, rising to feed on beetles and hatching midges (when CDC buzzers, Hawthorns, Bobs Bits, Hoppers and Beetle imitations have worked particularly well). Deeper feeding fish have taken Damsels, Buzzers, Diawl Bachs or lures (such as Orange Blobs, Vivas, and Tadpoles), all with a slow retrieve. Al Lawson (from Plymouth) caught five rainbows to 2lb, with fish hitting both the buzzers, fished washing-line style, or taking the Claret Hopper on the point.


Burrator – The fishing here has become more challenging as the month progressed, with a few fish rising (when Claret Hoppers have worked well), but most fish have stayed to feed in the deeper water. Floating, Sink-tip, Intermediate and sinking lines have all caught fish, with a slow retrieve producing the best results. Sub-surface feeding fish have taken Montanas, Damsels, Buzzers and Hares Ear patterns, with Back Bay, Longstone, Bennett’s Lawn and Pig Trough all holding fish.


Stithians – Continued to fish well, with plenty of fish looking to the surface and eager to feed. Floating lines with a very slow retrieve produced some excellent sport, with a variety of dry patterns (Beetles, Daddies, Adams, Sedge patterns, Hoppers, Bobs Bits and Hawthorns) all catching well; otherwise, Diawl Bachs, Buzzers and Black and Peacock Spiders fished just below the surface caught the deeper feeders. Popular locations included Yellowort, Golden Lion Point, North Bank, Pub Bay, Goonlaze and Pipe Bay. Simon Peters (from Cusgarne) managed to catch eight rainbows, one blue and one brown trout in one session – starting early in the morning (5.30am), and fishing along Sailing Club Bank using Dry Foam Beetles, to finish by 8am.

Fernworthy – The sport picked up at Fernworthy as the month progressed, when anglers averaged just under three fish per visit. Generally fish were well spread out around the lake, although Thornworthy, Brownhills and Permit Hut Bank produced the most consistent fishing. Sporadic hatches of small black buzzers brought fish to feed on the surface, when they could be caught using Black Gnats and Hoppers; otherwise shallow-fished Pheasant Tail Nymphs, Black and Peacock Spiders, Invictas, Bloody Butchers and Damsel nymphs all produced some great sport.

Colliford – The excellent sport continued at Colliford, with anglers averaging just over five fish per visit; most of the banks held fish, with Lords Waste, Spillway, Pines and the Dam Car Park Bank producing particularly consistent sport. With plenty of insect hatches (midge and sedge) as well as beetles blown onto the water, the Colliford browns proved eager surface feeders, either taking dry patterns (Bibio Hoppers, Beetles, Hawthorns and Sedges), or nymphs and wets fished in the top two feet of water (Diawl Bachs, Black and Peacock Spiders and Orange Pheasant Tail nymphs in particular). Generally floating lines and long leader and a slow retrieve proved to be the best method. Mark Lambert (from Hitchin) caught twenty fish, all on dries, keeping on the move to cover as much bank as possible.

Roadford – Anglers averaged 3.7 fish, with the banks at Anglers Car Park and Wortha proving to be the best locations. Few rising fish meant that sub-surface patterns fished on floating lines produced the best results. Popular patterns included Cormorants, Iron Dun, Damsels and Bibios. Duncan Kier (from Belstone) caught eight browns to 1lb 8oz in a session, while Alan Judd (from Seaton) caught eight browns to 1lb fishing from a boat, using a variety of sunk patterns on a floating line.

Please see the Trust’s website ( for more information on buying tickets, boat availability and booking, and forthcoming events. The Trust will be offering beginners’ taster days at Roadford, Burrator, Stithians, and Kennick throughout the season, assisted by local experienced guides and instructors. The Trust, in conjunction with Fluff Chuckers, will be running a Brown Trout Masters competition this season, to be held over three dates at Colliford, Fernworthy, and Roadford – please see the website for more information.

Chris Hall (July 2024)


          Wistlandpound in North Devon often gets overlooked which is a great shame as it is a delightful fishery with some hidden gems. Derek Spears sent me this image of a superb wild brown trout he tempted during a short evening session.(Estimated at 2lb 8oz to 3lb ) I met Derek whilst enjoying a short session there myself.

           It was a murky overcast evening with occasional drizzle. The loosestrife was glistening with water droplets as I navigated the lush colourful perimeter path.  Arriving at the water’s edge it was immediately apparent that there was plenty of fishable bank space now that the water level has dropped.

I set up with a black spider on the point and a black pennel on the dropper. Second cast I hooked a beautiful crimson spotted brown of perhaps 10″. On the next cast a very good brown trout converged on the fly but I failed to connect.

I searched the area further with no further result. Moving on I looked across the lake to see another angler doing battle with what was undoubtedly a good fish. (This was Derek with the trout pictured above).

The top inlet area of the lake produced another wild trout and half a dozen bronze flanked Rudd. As the light faded I changed to a small black Wooley bugger and was delighted to catch a couple of trout topped by a hard fighting brown of over 1lb. Another much larger fish swirled behind the lure fuelling my enthusiasm for a return visit. The large numbers of rudd fry now present ensures a good food supply for the larger wild browns that lurk within the water. I feel sure that some lucky angler will hook into a surprisingly large trout before the season ends.


Wistlandpound Fishing Club – Wimbleball –  July 14th 2024

July and August are generally difficult months for the Stillwater Trout angler so I did not have high expectations when I joined half a dozen members of Wistlandpound Fly Fishing Club at Wimbleball Reservoir. It is however always a delight to get out on the water at Wimbleball with its tree shrouded banks, rolling pasture and abundant wildflowers.

The lake was mirror calm when we arrived at the boat pontoon with  light white clouds drifting across the summer sky. My boat partner for the day was Andre Muxworthy a long time member of the club.

We set off from the pontoon at around 9:00am and headed for the deep water off the dam an area that tends to hold fish during the summer doldrums as the fish seek the deep cool water.

I set up a fast sinking Snowbee Spectre Fly Line and fished a yellow damsel on the point with bright blob on the dropper. Andre used similar tactics as we set about exploring the deep water.

After twenty minutes or so Andre was first to connect bringing a nice rainbow of around 4lb to the net. The occasional fish was rising but I felt that most fish were likely to be deep.

I cast out allowing the flies to sink for 30 seconds or so before commencing a pacy retrieve. The hardest part of any days trout fishing is getting that first take. It took another twenty minutes before the line zipped tight as a good sized rainbow smashed into the fly. After a good battle a 5lb rainbow was safely in the net.

This proved to be the smallest of the three rainbows I brought to the boat during the day. The biggest a fine fish of 5lb 15oz with another of 5lb 5oz. All fish fought hard with the best fish taking me well past the backing. I also got broken by one fish that hit the fly hard leaping out of the water several times after breaking free. Other members also lost fish despite using 8lb b.s tippets! Two other fish came off and I glimpsed one absolute beast of  a fish following the fly to the side of the boat.

Andre caught consistently throughout the day boating four trout and losing a couple.

Andre brings another rainbow to the net.

As always the fishing time ended all too soon and we headed back to the boat launching area for the competition weigh in. The full result below.

An excellent days fishing not easy but it seldom is during the months of July and August when fishing early and late is probably the best bet. The quality of the fish is outstanding as my winning weight testified with three fish for 16lb 5oz.

1st     Wayne Thomas   3 fish 16lb 5oz.   Best 5lb 15oz

2nd – Colin Combe   3 Fish 14lb 2oz

3rd – Andre Muxworthy 4 four fish 11lb

4th     David Eldred  2 fish  6lb 4oz

5th Nigel Bird   1 fish 3lb 8oz


South West Lakes Trust Trout Fisheries Report

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June 2024

The weather continues to warm up, as have the water temperatures (in spite of unseasonably cold nights and some cooler breezes), with steady insect activity, and fish feeding well either on or just below the surface; some wet days and heavy downpours of rain have meant that most of the reservoirs are still all at top level.


Kennick – Anglers averaged 2.6 fish per rod over the month, with fish continuing to be well spread out around the lake. Bank anglers enjoyed slightly more success than the boats, with The Narrows, The Lawns, Boat Bank, Laployd, Smithacott and Poplar Bay banks fishing particularly well, and boats catching well in the deeper central water. Natural airborne beetles, caddis, crane-flies and hatching Damsels have meant that many fish have been feeding on or near the surface, with anglers catching well using Foam Beetles, Black Hoppers, Daddies, Sedges, Hawthorns, Claret Snafflers and Emergers on the surface, using floating lines with long leaders and a slow retrieve. Subsurface feeders have been caught on Damsel Nymphs, Buzzers, Montanas, Bloodworms and Diawl Bachs, while lure anglers caught using Cats Whiskers and Boobies. Peter Gilpin (from Newton Abbot) caught ten rainbows to 3lb 9oz in one session, mainly on Black and Green Boobies; Ben Garnett (from Kenn) caught a 2lb 9oz rainbow while fishing in the early evening, casting to a feeding fish in Boat Bay, using a Diawl Bach; Alex Jackson caught a bag of four fish to 2lb 8oz, casting to topping fish along the West Bank. The annual Peninsula Classic bank competition, sponsored this year by Turralls, was won by Alex Venn, catching a bag of seven fish, weighing in at 13lb 12oz; Alex Jackson (from Australia) took second place with five fish, weighing 9lb 12oz; John Hern (from Exeter) caught the biggest fish of the day – a rainbow of 2lb 8oz.

Siblyback – This fishery continued to provide some excellent fishing, with anglers averaging 4.7 fish per rod, with the North Bank, Two Meadows, Stocky Bay and Crylla Bay producing the most consistent sport (although fish have been caught all over the lake, and seem to be well spread out). Plenty of air-born beetles and hatching buzzers meant that the fish were eager to look up to the surface to feed, with Beetles, Hawthorns, Sedges, Coch-y-bondhus and Hoppers all catching well. Deeper feeding fish were caught on a selection of nymph patterns (Damsel Nymphs, Gold Head Hares Ears, Montanas and Diawl Bachs) and lures (Boobies, Tadpoles, Orange Blobs, Orange Baby Dolls and Vivas). Ron Wilday (from Liskeard) had some excellent sessions, the best producing a bag of twelve rainbows (to 2lb) and one brown while fishing one morning in Stocky Bay, with fish feeding close to the surface.

Burrator – Anglers averaged 2.34 fish per rod over the month, with Longstone, Bennetts, Sheepstor and Pig Trough producing the best sport. Sedge hatches produced the best surface feeding activity, when fish were caught using Black Gnats, Daddy Longlegs, Hoppers (black and red) and Beetle imitations. Fish could, however, be caught at all depths, when Montanas, Crunchers, Damsel Nymphs, Orange Blobs and Tadpoles all succeeded in catching fish. Roger Prout (from Pensilva) caught a bag of ten rainbows in a session of very mixed weather conditions, using a floating line with a midge-tip, either with fast strips using a Cormorant, or a static line with Buzzers and Beetles. Allan Lawson (from Plymouth) caught a bag of five rainbows to 1lb 12oz and a brown using both a floater and slow-sink line; Andy Lawson (from Plymouth) caught a bag of six rainbow to 1lb 8oz, either stripping white lures on an intermediate line, or using dry Black Caddis and Beetle patterns fished very slowly.

Stithians – The lake continued to produce some excellent sport, with anglers averaging 3.6 fish per rod, and fish still well spread out around the lake (Pipe Bay, Yellowort, Goonlaze, Pipe Bay and Sailing Club Bank all received regular mentions on catch returns). Buzzer hatches and air-born beetles meant that there was plenty of surface action, with dry Daddies, Hawthorns, Hoppers, Black Gnats, Beetle patterns and buzzer emergers all catching well. Damsel Nymphs, Hares Ears, Diawl Bachs and Black and Peacock spiders all caught deeper feeders, mainly fished on a floating line.

Fernworthy – Most of the fish caught this month have been on or near the surface, either on dry patterns (Beetles, Hoppers, Bobs Bits, Sedgehogs and Black Gnats), or nymphs (Diawl Bach, Pheasant Tail and Spiders) and larger patterns (Soldier Palmer, Invicta and Bibio) fished just under the surface and cast to feeding fish. The most productive areas included Brownhills, Thornworthy, Permit Hut bank and near the dam.

Colliford – The fishing continued to improve this month, with rods averaging five fish per angler, with the preferred locations including Fishery Hut bank, Lords Waste and the banks by the dam. The browns were looking to the surface to feed on beetles blown onto the water, and floating lines with long leaders produced the best results. Coch-y-bondus and foam beetle patterns, along with Sedges and Hoppers, caught well on the surface, otherwise pulled lure patterns (Soldier Palmer, Zonker, Black Mini muddler, Bloodworm and Bushy Blob) fished just under the surface attracted fish. Included in the nice bags caught in the month were Chris Tillyard (from Fraddon), catching eleven browns to 1lb 8oz in an evening session, using Black and Peacock spiders and Hoppers; Dean Boucher (from Gunnislake) caught eleven browns, all on pulled wets in one session, and twelve fish to 15” on Beetles, Hoppers and slow-retrieve team of nymphs in another; Paul Mockford (from St Wenn) caught eight browns to 1lb 8oz on beetle patterns.

Roadford – Floating lines with long leaders proved to be the best combination, with fish taking a variety of patterns, including Humungous, Sedgehog, Buzzers, Damsel nymphs, as well as the more traditional Coachman and Whickhams Fancy. Fish were well spread out, with Wortha, Shop Inlet and Grinnacombe all proving popular. Rodeny Wevill (from Lifton) caught four browns to 2lb, using a floating line with a long leader and fishing slow and deep, with the best sport in the last hour before sunset.

Please see the Trust’s website ( for more information on buying tickets, boat availability and booking, and forthcoming events. The Trust, in conjunction with Fluff Chuckers, will be running a Brown Trout Masters competition this season, to be held over three dates at Colliford, Fernworthy and Roadford – please see the website for more information.


Chris Hall (June 2024)




I enjoyed a day at Wimbleball catching up with some good mates for an annual get together. Whilst fishing wasn’t top of the agenda the lakes hard fighting rainbows put a serious bend in our rods.  A superb full finned rainbow of 5lb 1oz that took me to the backing after taking a black foam hopper was the highlight of the fishing day. The sight of the fish slurping in the fly in a leisurely roll and then stripping line from the reel in a blistering run before leaping from the lake is one of those enduring memories from a summer day of sunshine and heavy showers.

Wimbleball offers superb fishing with hard fighting rainbows and wild browns. Its large expanse of crystal clear water nestled within a lush rural landscape makes it must a visit venue. The catch and release option ensures that a full day can be enjoyed.


Early Morning Trout Sport at Bulldog

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Lez had an amazing morning on the fly lake! The choice to get on the bank early in an attempt to beat the heat of the day definitely paid off!

2 Spartics landed, one being 4lb+!

A party of visiting anglers certainly enjoyed some great sport on the well stocked fly Lake
The lads decided to get to the fishery early in order to beat the heat ☀️ and what a result they had! All four reached their 6 fish limit with the biggest of the day being 6.8lb! Alongside this slab was another 6lber and 5 fish over 5lb!


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Anglers Paradise

Snowbee Ambassador Jeff Pearce and I visited Anglers Paradises Day Ticket Trout Lake during May last year and enjoyed a rewarding days fishing catching rainbow trout to over five pound and tiger trout estimated at 8lb.

Trouting In Paradise

We were both keen to return and arranged a visit with Go-Catch representative Peter Skrivanos.

After hearing reports of some stunning fish in recent weeks we were full of optimism as we headed across the meadow to the water.


Verdant green was appearing on the trees and cuckoo flowers decorated the lakeside grassland. Despite obvious signs of spring a cold North East breeze made it feel more like winter. There was at least a touch of blue between the clouds lifting the spirits as we made our first casts.

Peter was starting with a bold approach tying on a rather gaudy lure that he assured us would appeal to the aggressive tiger trout that reside within the lake.

I tied a tried and trusted gold head damsel nymph to my 10.5lb b.s XS plus Gold leader and proceeded to search the water with an Intermediate Snowbee XS Fly Line. I was well aware that the lake holds big hard fighting trout and wanted to get the fish to the net as quickly as possible to ensure they could be returned safely to the water after a minimal battle.

After just a few minutes Peter hooked into a hard fighting tiger trout that gave a fight out of proportion to its moderate size of perhaps 1lb 12oz. Peter kept the fish in the net and slipped out the barbless hook allowing me to get a quick picture before the fish swam briskly back into the lake.

After twenty minutes or so without any action I moved to the lakes corner and hooked a handsomely marked brown trout that slipped the hook before visiting the net.

A handsomely marked brown trout for Jeff

As the morning ebbed slowly away it became clear that the residents were playing hard to tempt. Jeff caught a tiger  of 1lb 8oz and and a small handsome brown trout we all caught numerous small perch, stripy sergeants that evoke memories of childhood days beside still-waters.

The vibrant sounds of woodpeckers drilling in the woods drifted across the valley. The evocative call of a cuckoo lifted the spirits a sure sign that summer is on its way after what seems a long wet winter and Spring.

I noticed several fish rising close to lakes overflow tower and changed to a floating line, suspending a black buzzer beneath a sight indicator.

 Casting this out I commenced an ultra-slow retrieve just keeping the line tight in the gentle breeze. I watched the indicator intently and lifted the rod sharply when I noticed it plunge beneath the surface. The rod a Snowbee Diamond 7wt took on an impressive curve and line was ripped from the reel as a trout of a good size powered away. To my concern the powerful fish seemed determined to head for the overflow pipe and whilst I frantically tried to prevent it I was unable to slow its progress. The fish of perhaps 7lb erupted from the lake giving a tantalizing glimpse of rainbow hued flanks before taking the line around the concrete the hook shank parting as the line momentarily snagged the structure.

Jeff and Peter looked across the lake alerted to my cursing cry! Encouraged by this, I tied on a new buzzer and started afresh.

The indicator dipped and I connected with what felt a very good fish. Once again its power surprised me and I endeavoured to get it away from the overflow pipe. To my dismay the powerful fish got the upper hand and won its freedom.

Peter and Jeff had also enjoyed brief connection with large fish that came adrift any one of which would have made it a day to remember.

As the afternoon evaporated Peter hooked into his second fish, a spartic nudging a couple of pounds.

Conceding that it was hard going Peter decided to head home before the traffic got bad. Jeff and I persisted convinced that at any moment the line would zip tight and one of the lakes special fish would make an error.

         Jeff pointed out the orange of my lost indicator at the upwind end of the lake. I wondered if the fish was still attached? I walked around and after a couple of casts managed to hook into the indicator. The fish was no longer attached but the buzzer was still there so at least the barbless hook had fallen free.

         By late afternoon the cold wind and lack of action started to take its toll and we eventually conceded defeat agreeing to return in search of the large trout that dwell within the lake that nestles within a wooded valley.

Anglers Paradise Trout Lake is strictly Catch and release with barbless hooks, single flies, rubber nets and unhooking matts mandatory. I personally try to unhook fish in the water returning with minimal handling.

Catch and release is a concept withing trout fishing circles that stimulates some debate. Some believe it makes the fish wary and harder to tempt. Whilst there could be a bit of truth in this it also enables trout fishing for large fish at a very reasonable price.

Day Tickets for Anglers Paradise can be purchased via