Bulldog Fisheries New Year Fly Fishing Competition

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The long overdue New Year’s Fly comp! 🐟
Today Bulldog hosted the New Year’s fly fishing competition that had been postponed due to January’s appalling weather conditions.
The lake was stocked with a healthy number of rainbow, tiger, Spartic and brown trout ranging from 2-8lb.
An early start for Nigel & Tom as preparations began for the day. Tea urn on, log burner lit and the bacon starting to crackle 🥓
After the starting peg draw, a bacon roll and a cup of coffee our competitors were eager to get started!
With conditions set perfect for such an occasion the starting horn blasted and we were off! The record for fasted fish hooked stood at 15seconds from our Xmas comp. This was smashed by Alex Murray! A mere 5 seconds into the comp, the moment his fly touched the water it was hammered and he was locked into a hard fighting rainbow! 🐟
Fish came hard and fast leading us to have an action packed morning! A highlight was certainly seeing Nick having line stripped off his reel multiple times as he battled a Tiger trout of 6lb1oz!
Time for some lunch! On the menu today was roast beef, roasties and Yorkshire pudding 😋
Back at it after lunch and the short break was enough time to calm the spooked fish and sure enough lines started pulling tight once again. 🎣 One by one anglers reached their 6 fish limit and the talk soon turned to who was going to bag the top prize 🏆 Tom was keeping the score card hidden and the tension was building as many bags looked promising!
4 o’clock came and the final horn sounded! Finally it was time to reveal the winner and runners up!
Top results as follows:
1st – Steve Hunt. Total bag weight 24lb9oz
Prize: A meat bundle from our farm shop!
2nd – Nick Tamlin. Total bag weight 23lb1oz
Prize: A voucher for 4 anglers to have a legendary Bulldog ‘belly buster’ Breakfast
3rd – Andrew Facey. Total bag weight 21lb3oz
Prize: A 3 fish ticket
Biggest fish of the day:
Steve Hunt – 6lb10oz Tiger
Prize – A brand new filleting knife 🔪 purchased from Barnstaple Bait & tackle.
Last place prize will be awarded to Mr Bill Pink next time we see him 👀 this is because we were reliably informed by his brother Roy that the reason for Bills unexpected absence was due to having one to many ports at his beaters day yesterday 🤣 hope you feel better soon mate! 🍻
A very popular addition to Bulldog fishery is the gutting/filleting service Nigel & Tom provide, the service has a charge that 100% of goes to the Veterans charity!
With all the fish weighed, gutted & cleaned and prizes given out we said goodbye to our anglers. All of which commented on the enjoyment of the day 😊
We feel happy that our second competition was a success! And we look forward to the next one! 🎣