The latest from Bulldog Fishery

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Below is a post from Bulldog Fisherys near Barnstaple  who appear to have been victim to the scurge of keyboard warriors on Social media. The internet and social media spread gossip and false stories rapidly and those who fail to catch often invent the craziest of tales to explain their lack of success. I once fished a lake where nobody caught and was told that the water had been spiked with soap to put the fish off the feed! There are a thousand and one reasons why fish are not caught and the vast majority are simply bad angling.
Clearing up a few rumuors a post from Nigel Early at Bulldog 

Good morning everyone! It has come to our attention that a couple rumours regarding our carp lake have been circulating the local anglers.  Now, we don’t usually pay any attention to the general gossip/drama that inevitably takes place in the industry. However, we have now received contact from several concerned anglers asking what happened. So to avoid having to explain countless times we’d like to set the record straight…

Word has been spread that whilst we drained/netted the lake to extract the bream last month, we had some sort of disaster resulting in a lot of fish dying or not being returned to the lake. THIS IS TOTAL RUBBISH!
Whilst the work was taking place, the only issue we encountered was that the lake didn’t drain out quite as planned, a definite inconvenience at the time but far from a disaster.
We can say with 100% certainty that every carp removed from our lake was returned with ZERO casualties! With the exception of 5 fish that we decided wasn’t up to the standard we wanted for the lake. These 5 fish are being replaced as of November this year.
Please feel free to share this post as much as possible to help squish these daft rumors that I can only imagine have come from an industrial size game of whispers!
We look forward to the constant progress the fishery is on! And can’t wait to see what the future holds 🎣🎣

🎣 Tight lines everyone

( Above) Ongoing improvements
The latest twenty

(Below) there’s plenty of trout between 2lb and 5lb being caught from the trout lakes.

Bulldog carp to 31lb

posted in: Carp Fishing, Sidebar | 0

Bulldogs Carp lake this week has  been challenging with the recent temperature drop and atrocious weather the anglers had their work cut out.

After a wet and wild Thursday night, Rob and Ernie targeted the deeper water on the road side and finally a few fish came out Using boilie hook baits over a steady trickle of the house pellet seven fish were banked

the biggest being a 31lb common.