The final of Stafford Moors March silvers festival 2023 winner is Dave Willmott who won with 6 points and total weight of 132lb 15oz.
In 2nd place with also 6 points (with a weight difference )120lb 5oz was Neil Mercer
In 3rd place with also 6 points (with a weight difference ) 85lb 7oz was Sophie Hill

The largest weight of the week was 77lb 7oz from Jim Lawrie from peg 11 on Pines lake
Below are the results for the final match for our March silvers festival 2023 here at Stafford Moor.
Top weight of the day on Tanners lake was Jim Lawrie from peg 19 with 31lb 8oz
Top weight of the day on Pines lake was Ian Jones from peg 5 with 29lb 3oz
Top weight of the day on Woodpecker lake was Ritchie Reynolds from peg 18 with 32lb 8oz