Chris Dawson and Sebastion Shillaker fished off Reel Deal to hook and bring to the side of the boat a thresher shark estimated at 480lb. The shark was measured at 96” to the fork of the tail with an overall length of five metres. The mighty fish judged to be close to twenty years old was released at the side of the boat.

Dan Hawkins has now taken Reel Deal to Plymouth for the tuna season and has got off to a flying start,
Sometimes we have to make hard decisions as skippers none are taken lightly. With the weather we are due to have this week combined with big tides we have this week that will stir up the bottom we made the hard decision to end our Ilfracombe shark season on reel deal early. So with that said I took the chance on the weather yesterday to get her round to Plymouth for our chart tuna season and we have arrived at mayflower marina that said it would have been rude not to have a little dabble with Jerry Day and Archie Porter while waiting for our lift home thanks to Sam Narbett, Jerry Rogers, Tom Walker, Chris Gill and Dan Margett’s for the tips and info we managed to get our first tuna to the boat to say we were excited was an understatement now we’re buzzing for the autumn spaces available tuna fishing call or message if you keen.