Anglers are enjoying some great sport off Ilfracombe from both Charter Boats and private boats. Bass, pollock and mackerel are being tempted on lures with bottom baits tempting tope and Huss.

Anglers are enjoying some great sport off Ilfracombe from both Charter Boats and private boats. Bass, pollock and mackerel are being tempted on lures with bottom baits tempting tope and Huss.
Ross Stanway has enjoyed a sublime evening off the North Devons spectacular coastline landing pollock and wrasse on his latest sortie.
The 3lb 3oz Ballan wrasse picture was tempted using a black minnow lure bounced along the bottom and sets a new boat caught Ballan wrasse record for CMSAC
( Below)Darren Baddick also fished the venue to bank common carp of 28lb 12oz and 22lb.
( Below)Paul Blake fished Jennetts Reservoir and banked a fine brace of common carp scaling 28lb 10oz and 22lb.
Stuart Wade has been putting the hours at Lower Slade and has been rewarded with some nice carp here is one of the stockies that was put into the reservoir at 3lb to 5 lb in 2007 now at the weight of 17lb 8oz. Stuart caught the fish on a critical balanced pop up over half a dozen freebies.
Many thanks to Troy Laing for allowing to use his post on their recent trip to the deeps off Ilfracombe aboard ” Bluefin:.
Well what can I say. John Barbeary said we were going spurdog fishing today, and that’s certainly what we did..Found a nice little spot. 8 miles off land. And as soon as our baits reached the seabed…We were all catching spurs from the off..approx 50 spurs caught..between us all. Along with huss to 16lb..spurs to 18lb..along with dogfish…and 1 pollock..caught by me haha..tomorrows dinner..thank you to John Barbeary.
Each Winter anglers take advantage of the great sport available in the deep water off Ilfracombe where huge packs of spurdog prowl hunting whiting and herring. Catches of over a hundred spurdog a day are not uncommon with double figure Bull Huss and big conger also testing anglers tackle to the limit. This Winter has once again seen John Barbeary take anglers to fishing grounds that have provided some excellent catches as illustrated below. For details of Bluefin click on the above link.