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Anglers Paradise
Ryan Cottle joined us for the first time with his partner, and he set his targets to catch a Golden Tench and a 50lb+ Catfish and he smashed both!!
Ryan obliterated his previous PB Cat of 30lbs and managed to land this monster Cat at 70lbs from the Nirvana’s Specimen Cat Lake
Ryan shared –
“First time down to anglers paradise after years of watching it on the great rod race, featuring two my favourite anglers Matt Hayes and Mick Brown. I Had 3 objectives, to catch a tench & a 50lb Catfish!
Having caught my Tench the first day, I headed over to the specimen catfish lake for the night. Fishing the bottom corner swim, feeding halibut pellet and krill boilie. Suddenly I hooked what felt like a monster!! After hooking the fish at 1:15 and landing it at 2am it was surely a giant. Toby (the bailiff) was fishing across from me and was on hand to take pictures and a video of the release . Below are the pictures of the 70lb beast of the night.
Caught on a 28mm krill boilie topped with corn.”


Its half way through the year; a good time to put out an update on club events. What’s happened and what is planned for the rest of the year.

I think its fair to say that many sea angling clubs are going through a difficult time. Times are changing and it seems that COVID had a lasting impact on the angling scene and perhaps society as a whole.

Combe Martin SAC are one of the longest standing sea angling clubs in North Devon established back in 1962. At the end of last year our membership was around forty, Nick will give details in his update.

At the start of the year in February the club launched a species league to encourage participation in the Ilfracombe area and a sector of the club that offers a bit of fun and community. The club has a serious side with a dedicated band of  successful anglers chasing the big specimens. Whilst we need to cater for the hardcore angler we also need to encourage new blood and perhaps cater for the older generation who can no longer hop around on the rocks like mountain goats.

Thanks must go to Toby Bassett whose energy and passion has invigorated a new section of the club. Amazingly club members have caught 32 species from the pier since February 1st. At present Toby Bassett is leading the league with 29 species. Runners up are Ross Stanway and Dan Welch with  23 species each. Solly Welch is third with 14 species and Lenny Lake forth with 13 species. Paul Lorrimore and Gary Prout fifth on 12 species and Ted Childs sixth on 10.

         Apologies if I have made any errors I would ask all members of the group to list their species with their images.

         The league is sponsored by several local business including High Street Tackle, Turton’s Butchers, Ilfracombe Aquarium and numerous others. I will organise a get together with Toby to formulate things a bit more. We try and have a pop up fishing event each month alternating between Sunday mornings and Thursday evenings. The first few have attracted a good number of members. The last one clashed with a strong wind and summer business. I did manage a mackerel and a few blennies. The Autumn months should see a surge in species and it would be good if club members can get past fifty species.  The tally so far below! This is quite an achievement and it is fascinating what can be caught with some anglers dropping down to size 20 hooks to tempt the mini species.

Club Species total

Common Shanny
Rock Goby
ballan wrasse
shore rockling
tompot blenny
scorpion fish
poor cod
cling fish
small eyed ray
thick lipped grey mullet
3 B Rockling
corkwing wrasse
spotted ray
bull huss
Leapord goby
top knot
montagu’s blenny
grey gurnard

The clubs specimen fishing has been good with  the clubs dedicated anglers catching some superb fish. Kyle Bishop seems to be in a league of his own recording 15 specimens so far this year. Including spurdog to 15lb 3oz, cod of 18lb 5oz, tope of 36lb 15oz, bull huss 10lb 5oz, smoothound 13lb 4oz and blonde ray 10lb 3oz.  Fish of the winter was Kyles cod of 18lb 5oz a specimen rating of 152.6%. Fish of the Spring was Kevin Legge’s conger of 26lb 9oz. Leading the summer so far is Ollie Passmore with a stunning gilt head bream of 6lb 10oz.

         The clubs competitions were well attended early in the year but have dropped off as the summer approaches. The Putsborough Open attracted thirty anglers from across the West Country and the meet up at the end revealed that it had been an excellent night with most competitors registering fish including smoothound, small eyed ray, blonde ray, bull huss and the inevitable dogfish. Winner was Simon Springell with smoothound of 12lb 2oz. The club would like to thank sponsors of the event Sakuma and Quay Sports. Full results of this competition and all other competitions can be found on North Devon Angling News. https://www.northdevonanglingnews.co.uk/2024/05/19/combe-martin-sac-putsborough-open-2024-3/

         Peter Robinson has done a sterling job in trying to organise club boat trips. Sadly the weather has conspired to cancel a couple. We  did get out in early May with Steve Webber and enjoyed a great day with good numbers of ray brought to the boat.


         The clubs boat fishing activitys should receive a boost with club member Daniel Welch now operating out of Ilfracombe with is charter boat Predator 2.

We have several events to come throughout the rest of the year. The Ilfracombe Fun and Harbour Species league continues with pop up fishing competitions in July and August along with the Fun Fishing Event on September 1st.

         The clubs bass lure fishing league competition sponsored by High Street Tackle is well underway after a slow start with bass hard to find. The competition is for the best five bass by length. Current leader is Reece Woolgar with three bass for 175.5 cm. Runner up at present is Mark Drewer with two bass for 130.5 cm.

         An Open shore lure fishing competition is being held on July 5th, 6th, 7th. Fishing commences at Midnight. Entry is £10 winner takes all for the longest bass. Book in via club pages and contacts or at High Street Tackle.  Meet up for prize giving at Ilfracombe Pier 6.00pm

         July and August – Summer League best three specimens mixed species. Prize to be announced from local sponsors.

August 10th – Summer Evening Fish
Fishing 6.00pm to 11:30pm £10.00 Entry
– Meet up Ilfracombe Pier Midnight

Very Best wishes to all Club members from myself (Wayne Thomas – Club Chairman) and Nick Phillips Club Secretary)


Thank you Wayne for an excellent round up of Club activities so far this year.

Membership does fluctuate slightly year on year but we are at a strong point now with membership already at the forty mark, only halfway through the club’s year.

I do get enquiries on how to join the club and on our website are details of our BACS and don’t forget members can of course leave membership monies and details with Danny at High Street Tackle, Ilfracombe and of course with Craig at The Braunton Bait Box. The website contains our calendar, specimen and minimum size lists and details on up and coming events. An interesting area is the history of the club, which will be updated soon. The website is new to me so bear with me in some areas.

We are still members of The Angling Trust and Wyvern Division and members can benefit from this including the award scheme and knowing that a national body is working to help protect our sport in many ways.

I can only reiterate your thoughts and agree that so far this year club events have exceeded expectations especially the targeting species around Ilfracombe Pier which has generated a great interest. This can only bode well for our Fun Fishing event on the Pier in September. Of course our Putsborough competition went very well back in May, so many thanks to all those involved, especially all at Putsborough.

There are some great events coming up in our calendar with the Lure Fishing Weekend, Lyn Fish Mullet Weekend and of course our Flounder competition in November which of course always creates interest. Don’t forget running through the summer is our Lure Fishing League.

It only Takes One Cast on target!

Sunday evening low water at 7.40pm. A light North West Wind blowing into the coast; the lure of the coast is strong.
I am no follower of football but after enduring an hour of frustration watching those highly paid athletes kicking the ball around I was about to head out of the door. Then with thirty seconds to spare they went and scored. I guess I should watch the extra time and put the kettle on. After fifteen minutes I decided to head for the coast. Pauline questioned if it was worth it? I replied “that it only needs one cast in the right place just like the footballers only needed one kick on target!”
Forty five minutes or so later I was at the water’s edge as the tide started to creep in over the weed and boulder strewn shore. Water clarity was good and I found that I could work a weedless soft plastic without too much weed fouling it.
After half an hour and several casts I was rewarded with that savage tug as a good bass  hit the lure. At 56cm it was a pleasing a result.

I fished on into darkness failing to contact with three other bass that hit the lure in the shallow water. The tug is undoubtedly the drug that keeps you casting! It’s been a slow start to the lure fishing for bass this summer but they are there and prospects for next weeks Combe Martin SAC Lure competition are good.


South Molton Angling Club – Lyme Regis Boat Trip

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A quick report from SMAC Chairman Edward Rands  on the clubs trip to Lyme regis.
Jim Rickets picked up myself, Danny Boyles, Nick Stringer and Nick Jackson from Witheridge and off we went, we arrived at Lyme regis 1hr 15 minutes later and met up with Richard Power and then our skipper Shawn Trinder of “Jurassic boat trips
We were soon aboard and steaming to our first drift we had pollack, pouting and mackerel. Then sat at anchor on 3 different marks depending on the tide.
We had scad, poor cod, cuckoo wrasse, bream, a dogfish, a bull huss and conger, I had one estimated at 60lb+ on bream gear, size 2 hooks and 25lb line.
The weather was kind, the sea was pretty flat and again shawn looked after us admirably with first class gear,bait and instruction if needed.
Thanks to Jim for driving and those attending for supporting the cause and enabling the trip to go.
Regards Ed Rands ( chairman)

Bideford Angling Club Match Results

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Midweek evening competition No. 7
1st  Nathan Underwood 43lb 10oz
2nd Warren Thornton 30lb 7oz
3rd Kevin Shears 28lb 11oz
4th Rhys Eyles 22lb 1oz
5th Roger Ackroyd 20lb 8oz
6th Ian Croxton 17lb 11oz
17 members fished.
Nathan Underwood continues his remarkable run of results, with another victory in our summer evening series. He has drawn peg 16 for the second week running! , and made no mistakes using the trusty pole and paste beside the lilly pads.
Second spot went to Warren on peg 13 using corn then meat over micros.
Kevin on peg 1 has caught some decent carp on hard pellets out towards the island for third place., moving him up the league into 4th position.
 The weather was sunny with some light rain at times. 13 anglers fished the match and all caught fish.
1st place today went to Richard jefferies on peg 10 with a nice mixed bag of fish for 35lbs 13oz, 2nd place was Darren Polden on peg 8 with 26lbs 13oz 3rd place went to Warren Thornton on peg 6 with 23lbs 9oz and 4th place was taken by 2 anglers Stephen Paul Sheller and Colin O’Hagan both had 22lbs 6oz next match will be on the 28.7.24 at Tarka.


Anglers Paradisehttp://www.anglers-paradise.co.uk

Anglers Eldorado’s Carp and Catfish Lake 2 is renowned for its catfish that have been stocked to over 90lb.  It was these powerful and challenging fish that we were targeting on what has become an annual pilgrimage for our group.

         Angling is a wonderful pastime for creating long lasting friendships with bonds formed that can often last a lifetime. I have fished with my good friend Bruce Elston on numerous occasions during recent seasons both of us sharing a lifelong obsession with angling.

         Bruce invited me to join the catfish hunters at Anglers Paradise a couple of years ago. Our group consists of Mitch Andrews, his son Ben Andrews, John Hughes, Tony Ball, Bruce Elston, Alan Palmer, Richard Bull and myself.

         Fishing at the venue runs for twenty four hours from midday. We had booked the lake for two days, forty eight hours to target the big catfish that lurk in the murky waters.

         We met up at Bruce’s house for a brunch of bacon, fried egg and fresh bread washed down with tea and coffee. The banter flowed as we discussed tactics and caught up. Strange how we all reconnected after a twelve month gap almost as if we were reconvening after just a week or so.

         Bruce had used his extensive knowledge of the venue to draw up a map showing all the productive swims and where the hotspots were. We all drew numbers out of the proverbial hat (oven glove) to decide who would fish where ensuring that those who wished to fish together could. This was all very much a case of everyone getting the best chance and making sure the whole lake was covered as this is a team effort with no intended competitive element.

         I ended up fishing the East side of the lake offering a wide choice of known holding spots to cast into.

         The first task upon arriving is to lug the mountain of gear required for a forty eight hour session. This is no easy task with barrows loaded to the maximum with two trips required for most.

         On arrival in the swim my first task was to set up a rod to explore the swim. Casting a lead and marker float around the swim it is possible to check the depth and assess if the bottom is clear or silty etc.

         Where to put the bait is based upon prior knowledge, advice, observation and that all important gut feeling. Two rods are allowed on the lake and I decided to bait up two spots spodding out generous quantities of halibut pellet in various sizes along with a few boilies of the type to be fished as bait. In this case Sticky Baits Krill and Bloodworm.

         To some extent of course hotspots on these lakes are created by anglers. Spots that look good to anglers are baited up and become feeding spots for the fish. The anglers then catch fish from the spots that become popular with more anglers who add more bait ensuring the ongoing productivity of the hotspot.

         We all followed the same basic plan targeting catfish with stepped up carp rigs using boilies and bolt rigs.

This whole branch of fishing is very much a case of setting traps and grabbing the rod when the fish self-hooks itself.

I don’t believe that catfish are particularly rig shy like carp which is a good job as with fish present close to 100lb subtle rigs are not practical.

         There is a certain appeal to a long session a chance to relax and settle into the natural cycle of the natural world.

There is a continual sense of expectation and anticipation. At any moment the alarm could sound its harsh blip alerting the anglers as an unseen fish of unknown size tears off with the bait.

         Conditions seemed close to perfect. A light breeze drifting high white clouds across the deep blue summer sky. Half a dozen buzzards soared high on thermals their mewing cry’s drifting across the lake. A family of Canada geese paraded around the lake and a mallard brood swam across the water. I thought how vulnerable they looked and wondered if the catfish ever enjoyed a duckling snack.

         Late afternoon there came a cry of fish on. Ben had hooked the first cat of the session a pleasing start, 21lb.

         Early evening it was time to stop for a catch up. We all wound in our rods and assembled together to enjoy  fresh pizzas delivered bankside to us by Bruce Elston’s obliging family.

         This was an opportunity to catch up and talk fishing and there was as always a great deal to discuss. I had probably last fished with Richard Bull from the Dam wall at Durleigh Reservoir near Bridgwater for pike. Back then we were both young men starting off on life’s hopefully long journey. Close to forty years later we had both retired from long careers, mine in the water industry and Richard’s with the Environment Agency.

         A lot has changed in those forty years and we soon started to compare notes along with Alan Palmer. It was immediately apparent that we shared a deep concern regarding the dramatic decline we had seen in nature. We talked of the dramatic decline of salmon and noted the lack of swallows around the lake. The estimated insect decline of 70% over the past forty years, a lack of big pike across the Somerset levels and a collapse in the once prolific population of eels.

         As anglers we are of course very aware of what is happening to the natural world. Pesticides, farming practices, climate change and an ever increasing human population all contributing to natures decline.

         The conversation drifted onto the state of angling. We are perhaps creatures of our generation and have views created from our journeys. Angling perhaps reflects society.

We all reflected upon how we had started fishing for small fish serving a sort of apprenticeship before progressing to bigger specimens. It seems that many of todays young anglers arrive at the water’s edge with all the gear setting out to catch twenty pound carp straight away. Instant gratification no slow path to success. I want it all and I want it now!

         We looked back fondly at our days as young specimen hunters. A time when we learned from books and pooling knowledge. No you-tube videos and ready-made rigs.

         Richard reminisced about his fishing for catfish at Claydon Lake in Bedfordshire during the late eighties and early nineties. The catfish that resided in the lakes had been transferred from Woburn Abbey Lakes. Claydon Lake is situated within the grounds of a large country mansion. The large catfish were a target for budding specimen hunters of the day. Richards best catfish from the water was 35lb a fish that was at the time within the top ten catfish caught from UK waters.

         We discussed Claydon Lake and other venues like Redmire Pool. Waters that have a unique status in angling history. There is perhaps a certain nostalgia amongst our generation a longing for the mystery and excitement of  a bygone era.

         Whilst we had discussed the undoubted decline in nature we also had to acknowledge the fact that many fish now grow far bigger. We were fishing in a lake that contains a large number of catfish far in excess of the wildest dreams of anglers back in the 1980’s. Catfish of over fifty pounds now fail to warrant a mention in the national angling press. Several waters in North Devon contain carp equivalent to the stocks that resided within Redmire’s hallowed waters.

         The eel record has just been beaten, as has the roach record. Many of the British freshwater fish records have been eclipsed in recent years. The roach record is now over 4lb. The bream record stands at 22lb 11oz; I doubt many believed bream could grow to that size back in the 1980’s. The carp record is now 68lb 1oz, catfish record 143lb 14oz, perch 6lb 3oz, pike 47lb 5oz, tench 15lb 3oz, barbel 21lb 2oz, chub 9lb 5oz, crucian carp 4lb 12oz, dace 1lb 5oz, rudd 4lb 10oz and  zander 21lb 5oz. All of the above records and several others have all been caught since 2000 proving perhaps that our perception of fishing’s golden era is all within our imagination.

The truth with our perception is perhaps that we have lost much of the mystery and magic? The fish are growing bigger because of an artificially created environment. Whilst truly wild fish like salmon, sea trout and eels are in an alarming spiral of decline other fish dwelling in lakes or rivers enriched by nutrients and anglers baits are growing larger.

         In light of the above facts it is undoubtedly our perception of fishing that has changed. A generation is inclined to look back with rose tinted glasses, the measure of success in angling is to be measured in happiness and contentment not in the size of fish. I often state that anglers go through three main phases. At first wanting to catch fish, any fish. Then aspiring to catch bigger fish or more than other anglers. I suspect that at some point most anglers reach the stage where they are content to just go fishing. It is perhaps difficult to reach the latter stage without experiencing the first two. And as stated earlier a modern society tends to skip the first stage and go straight in to stage two.

         A fact I often note is that when a bunch of anglers get together a schoolboy humour is soon rekindled as farts and bodily functions always abounds. A youthful cheer emerges which is undoubtedly one of the reasons angling is so good for mental health.

         Anyway after a rather long ramble away from our trip I will reconvene on the banks of carp and Catfish 2.

         The evening light descended and expectation climbed. At close to midnight my alarm screamed out and I fumbled my way to the rod. Lifting into a heavy fish for a moment or two before the hook hold gave way.

         Disappointed I recast and tried to get some sleep. A few hours later at just after 3.00am I heard voices and commotion across the water. Assuming that Bruce or John had caught I reeled in my rods and made my way over to the far side of the lake.

         A jubilant John was being congratulated on successfully banking a large catfish. I joined in with the jubilation witnessing the weighing of a personal best cat for John of 49lb. I secured a few images and watched the fish gently lowered back into the lake.

         The rest of the night passed by without interruption except for the invasion of my swim by the geese family shortly after first light.

         The dawn chorus was spectacular with a wide variety of birds contributing to the choir. The Merlin app on my phone recorded sedge warbler, carrion crow, chaffinch, wren, willow warbler, blue tit, chiff chaff,  song thrush and nuthatch.

         The second day drifted past and we settled into life on the lakeside. The sound of cars and farm machinery came from the nearby road reminding us of a world beyond this tranquil lake.

         Knowing the size of fish present within the confines of this small lake ensured that hope of connection was never lost. I brewed regular coffee and ensured that a steady trickle of bait was going into the chosen spots within the swim.

         I noticed the occasional large swirl in my swim, an indication that big fish were on the prowl. But the alarms remained silent.

         As evening descended once again expectation grew surely more catfish would be caught? At around midnight my alarm bleeped frantically and I rushed from my bivvy to grab the rod. As I touched the rod handle the run stopped!

In the early hours I was answering natures call and noticed headlights further along the bank. Rich was elated to have landed a catfish of 39lb a new personal best and I believe his first catfish since the mid- nineties.

During the night light rain had fallen, resulting in droplets glistening as the new day dawned. The calm light of dawn descended upon the lake as the new day unfurled.

         We all hoped for one last chance. Suddenly out of the blue came a call fish on! Ben was in action and after an exciting tussle brought a 24lb catfish to the waiting net.

Tony avoided a blank by tempting a couple of kittens float fishing worms in the margin.

         Then as we started to consider packing away John on the far side of the lake was in action. I watched the drama as John piled on the pressure, trying to prevent what was undoubtedly a big fish finding sanctuary in a tangle of branches and lily’s near the Island.

When the fish was safely netted I wound in my rods and walked around to witness the weighing and get a few images of the fish in daylight. At 39lb it was another fine specimen for John.

         Whilst the fishing had been slower than hoped for the company had been great. Catfish weighing 49lb, 39lb, 39lb, 24lb and 21lb is after all a pretty good result.

We said our farewells after lugging the ridiculous heap of gear up to the cars vowing to do it all again next year.

         Upon reflection it had been a very enjoyable excursion catching up with friends. Some big fish had been caught and discussion had left plenty to contemplate. Izaak Walton author of The Complete Angler  first published in 1653  described angling as the ‘Contemplative Mans Recreation’. Somethings never change.

Anglers Paradise