A new chapter for North Devon’s anglers.

Quay Sports closed on June 14th after trading for close to three years it has been a valuable stop off point for North Devon’s Anglers providing a wide range of tackle for all disciplines. Fortunately the shop manager Chris Connougton is opening a new tackle shop  that will ensure that Barnstaple still has that vital ingredient to enable a social hub and source of those essential items of tackle and bait. It is essential that local anglers support this new venture and all other local tackle shops. We are very fortunate to have a range of tackle shops across North Devon a fact that I will promote in the coming weeks.

Last day of the shop today. Come and grab yourself some last min bargains. We would also like to say a huge thank you to you all for your support over the last 3 years, we have made some great relationships and friends. We wish Chris all the best for the future with Barnstaple Bait & Tackle and sure will see some of you on the bank.
Quay Sports

( Above) Mark Potter and Chris Connaughton on their last day at Quay Sports

“I am proud to announce that I will be opening a fresh new bait and tackle store at 6 Queens House, Barnstaple, EX32 8HJ. I am hoping to be open by the 1st of July but more will follow on this.
There will be all the usual sea and freshwater baits available along with a vast range of tackle from leading brands.
My aim is to create a local social hub where like-minded people of all ages can meet, shop and chat about all things fishing!
It hasn’t been easy so come show some support when open and keep a tackle shop in Barnstaple for many years to come.
Watch this space for further details, a new facebook page, deals and events.
I look forward to welcoming you through the door
(I would also like to say a massive thank you to Mr Pinn of Pinndart for all his help with the logo etc).”


Chris Connaughton is well known and respected across North Devon as the manager at Quay Sports. Quay Sports has been the hub for anglers across the region since it opened a few years ago. Many were very saddened to hear of its closure as tackle shops are vital for angling to flourish.  It is great news for the North Devon Angling community that Chris is opening a new store in Queen Street, Barnstaple. It is essential that local anglers support the shop as there is no substitute for having a shop where you actually pop in and buy bait and tackle.

Quay sports retail shop will now be closed from this coming Friday 14.6.24. The reasoning behind this is Chris (Shop Manager) is actually starting his own new venture (Completly seperate from Quay Sports) in Barnstaple called Barnstaple Bait & Tackle and an agreement has been made for our stock. We wish Chris all the best for the future, he is looking to be open around the 1st July so show him as much support as possible to keep a shop in Barnstaple.

One week left of our sale and we are now offering 20% discount.

Stafford Moor Carp Catches

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Andrew Levett banked  8 carp up to 32lb 5oz from the inlet swim in a 48 hour session on Beatties lake this is Andy’s new PB.
Andy was using Krill pellets , single krill wafters over a handful of krill boiles
(Below) Darren Palmer  had 8 fish out up to 32lb 3oz from lodge lake

Mainline Baits Carp Open Pairs Competitions

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The Mainline Baits Carp Pairs competitions are held at our 81 acre fishery, Upper Tamar Lake. The competitions are generously sponsored by carp fishing giants Mainline Baits.

There is £3,500 in prize money from South West Lakes Trust for each competition. Each person who enters will get a goody bag with some fantastic Mainline products inside.

This year there is an exciting new rule change regarding the way the final results are taken. This year, instead of all the fish a pair catch being weighed in and this being your final result, the three biggest fish from each pair will be added together and this will be your final result. So, any fish that are smaller than the three biggest a pair has caught already through the competition can be put back straight away and do not require weighing in. But if a fish is bigger than your previous three recorded fish then it will be weighed in. This way it will make the competition more open to anyone winning.

All tackle and equipment is transported to and from your swim. There is also a full menu for the weekend with food delivered directly to your swim!

2024 dates:

  • Friday 19 July to Sunday 21 July
  • Friday 4 October to Sunday 6 October

The competition is limited to 34 pairs. You can book your place online below.

For further information contact us on 01566 771930 or [email protected]

Lower Tamar carp and bream

Aaron Bunning had a trip to remember on Lower Tamar this week. After setting up in Swampy’s and catching one fish, he decided to move swims in the morning to Hilton’s. Putting a good spread of Mirage baits ‘Reservoir Specials’ he fished a matching wafter as a hook bait. He ended the session with four fish including this cracking 33lb 6oz common.

( below) Bruce Elston set out to catch a double figure bream on his  third session his quest for a double figure bream came good with specimens of  11lb 6oz and 10lb 11oz.

Stafford Moor Carp Catches

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(Below)Dennis Keith  fished from Silver birch lodge last week banking several carp the  biggest fish was 30lb 15oz. He was fishing with Hinders 15mm tutti fruity boilies and mixed sized pellets.

(Below) Scott Allan  had 13 fish out from lodge lake up to 35lb , 9 of Scott’s catches were between 20-27lb all caught in Mainline cell boilies.

(Below)Nick Dabney  fished up on lodge lake and caught his new pb of 35lb 2oz

South West Lakes Trust Mainline Pairs Competition

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The first South West Lakes Trust Mainline pairs competition of the year is over.
A massive well done to Dean and Dave Willoughby in peg 24 who take home the £2000 first prize. Matt and Chris in peg 15 hold on to claim 2nd and pocket £1000. Dave in Peg 1 sneaked into 3rd with the last fish of the competition so he bags £500.
A massive thank you to all that took part, thank you John Kneebone and Mainline Baits for sponsoring the event and last of all, thank you all the volunteers for helping out during the event. We couldn’t run it with out you.
Visit our website to book on the upcoming competitions in July and October. https://www.swlakestrust.org.uk/mainline-baits-carp-open…
We look forward to seeing you all next time!
Results below:
1st Dean and Dave peg 24 – 61lb 7oz
2nd Matt and Chris peg 15 – 31lb 1oz
3rd Dave and Josh peg 1 – 27lb 7oz
Section winners:
Section 1 – Jamie Everard & Ben Drew peg 5
Section 2 – Damon Goodall & Craig Snell peg 10
Section 3 – Draw (Stephen Folland & Rob)
Section 4 – John Kneebone & Wayne Bateman peg 26
Biggest fish:
Matt and Chris peg 15 – 23lb 4oz